Asia-Pacific Aspirations

Asia-Pacific MDG Report 2012-13

As the finishing line for the MDGs approaches, this report articulates Asia-Pacific aspirations for a post-2015 development framework. It calls for concerted and accelerated action on 11 measurable goal areas. Countries will need to bring together the three pillars of sustainable development – economic prosperity, social equity and environmental sensitivity – and replace short-term horizons with longer-term sustained benefits. Likewise, they will need to address issues of social justice, human rights and equity. Building on the MDGs, a post-2015 global agenda that is applicable to all will need to take into account huge variations in country circumstances.

Learning from the MDG experience of the Asia-Pacific region, the new development framework should allow for customization of targets and indicators, along with flexibility for additional national goals. It should make clear who is responsible for achieving the goals and for ensuring the means of implementation of the new development agenda, at global, regional and national levels.

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